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Unicode Table

· 28 min read


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Unicode is an international character encoding standard maintained by the non-profit organization Unicode Consortium. The standard aims to unify most of the world's writing systems to facilitate information exchange across platforms and languages. Unicode is an implementation of the ISO/IEC 10646 standard and has become a global universal character set.

In the Unicode standard, each character corresponds to a unique numerical code called a "code point." Code points are a crucial concept in Unicode, used to determine the position of each distinct character.

The Unicode code point range extends from U+0000 to U+10FFFF, meaning it can accommodate 1,114,112 different characters. These ranges are divided into various subsets based on different functionalities and purposes, such as:

  • Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP): U+0000 to U+FFFF

    This includes commonly used characters such as Latin letters, Greek letters, and Chinese characters.

  • Supplementary Planes: U+010000 to U+10FFFF

    This includes additional ideographic characters, supplementary characters, etc.

Since it often takes a considerable amount of time to look up Unicode encodings every time we need them, let's store some basic information for easy reference.

Unicode Code Point Range Table

If you require further details, we recommend consulting the original table: Unicode Code Points

PlaneCode Point RangeChinese NameEnglish Name
 0 BMP0000 – 007F基本拉丁字母Basic Latin
 0 BMP0080 – 00FF拉丁字母補充-1Latin-1 Supplement
 0 BMP0100 – 017F拉丁字母擴展-ALatin Extended-A
 0 BMP0180 – 024F拉丁字母擴展-BLatin Extended-B
 0 BMP0250 – 02AF國際音標擴展IPA Extensions
 0 BMP02B0 – 02FF佔位修飾符號Spacing Modifier Letters
 0 BMP0300 – 036F組合附加符號Combining Diacritical Marks
 0 BMP0370 – 03FF希臘字母和科普特字母Greek and Coptic
 0 BMP0400 – 04FF西里爾字母Cyrillic
 0 BMP0500 – 052F西里爾字母補充Cyrillic Supplement
 0 BMP0530 – 058F亞美尼亞字母Armenian
 0 BMP0590 – 05FF希伯來文字母Hebrew
 0 BMP0600 – 06FF阿拉伯文字母Arabic
 0 BMP0700 – 074F敘利亞字母Syriac
 0 BMP0750 – 077F阿拉伯文補充Arabic Supplement
 0 BMP0780 – 07BF它拿字母Thaana
 0 BMP07C0 – 07FF西非書面文字NKo
 0 BMP0800 – 083F撒瑪利亞字母Samaritan
 0 BMP0840 – 085F曼達安字母Mandaic
 0 BMP0860 – 086F敘利亞文補充Syriac Supplement
 0 BMP0870 – 089F阿拉伯字母擴展-BArabic Extended-B
 0 BMP08A0 – 08FF阿拉伯字母擴展-AArabic Extended-A
 0 BMP0900 – 097F天城文Devanagari
 0 BMP0980 – 09FF孟加拉文Bengali
 0 BMP0A00 – 0A7F古木基文Gurmukhi
 0 BMP0A80 – 0AFF古吉拉特文Gujarati
 0 BMP0B00 – 0B7F奧里亞文Oriya
 0 BMP0B80 – 0BFF泰米爾文Tamil
 0 BMP0C00 – 0C7F泰盧固文Telugu
 0 BMP0C80 – 0CFF卡納達文Kannada
 0 BMP0D00 – 0D7F馬拉雅拉姆文Malayalam
 0 BMP0D80 – 0DFF僧伽羅文Sinhala
 0 BMP0E00 – 0E7F泰文Thai
 0 BMP0E80 – 0EFF寮文Lao
 0 BMP0F00 – 0FFF藏文Tibetan
 0 BMP1000 – 109F緬甸文Myanmar
 0 BMP10A0 – 10FF喬治亞字母Georgian
 0 BMP1100 – 11FF諺文字母Hangul Jamo
 0 BMP1200 – 137F衣索比亞字母Ethiopic
 0 BMP1380 – 139F衣索比亞字母補充Ethiopic Supplement
 0 BMP13A0 – 13FF切羅基文Cherokee
 0 BMP1400 – 167F統一加拿大原住民音節文字Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
 0 BMP1680 – 169F歐甘字母Ogham
 0 BMP16A0 – 16FF盧恩字母Runic
 0 BMP1700 – 171F他加祿字母Tagalog
 0 BMP1720 – 173F哈努諾文Hanunoo
 0 BMP1740 – 175F布希德字母Buhid
 0 BMP1760 – 177F塔格班瓦字母Tagbanwa
 0 BMP1780 – 17FF高棉文Khmer
 0 BMP1800 – 18AF蒙古文Mongolian
 0 BMP18B0 – 18FF統一加拿大原住民音節文字擴充Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended
 0 BMP1900 – 194F林布文Limbu
 0 BMP1950 – 197F德宏傣文Tai Le
 0 BMP1980 – 19DF新傣仂文New Tai Le
 0 BMP19E0 – 19FF高棉文符號Khmer Symbols
 0 BMP1A00 – 1A1F布吉文Buginese
 0 BMP1A20 – 1AAF老傣文Tai Tham
 0 BMP1AB0 – 1AFF組合附加符號擴展Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
 0 BMP1B00 – 1B7F峇里字母Balinese
 0 BMP1B80 – 1BBF巽他字母Sundanese
 0 BMP1BC0 – 1BFF巴塔克字母Batak
 0 BMP1C00 – 1C4F絨巴文Lepcha
 0 BMP1C50 – 1C7F桑塔利文Ol Chiki
 0 BMP1C80 – 1C8F西里爾字母擴展-CCyrillic Extended-C
 0 BMP1C90 – 1CBF喬治亞字母擴展Georgian Extended
 0 BMP1CC0 – 1CCF巽他字母補充Sundanese Supplement
 0 BMP1CD0 – 1CFF吠陀擴展Vedic Extensions
 0 BMP1D00 – 1D7F音標擴展Phonetic Extensions
 0 BMP1D80 – 1DBF音標擴展補充Phonetic Extensions Supplement
 0 BMP1DC0 – 1DFF組合附加符號補充Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
 0 BMP1E00 – 1EFF拉丁字母擴展附加Latin Extended Additional
 0 BMP1F00 – 1FFF希臘字母擴展Greek Extended
 0 BMP2000 – 206F一般標點General Punctuation
 0 BMP2070 – 209F上標及下標Superscripts and Subscripts
 0 BMP20A0 – 20CF貨幣符號Currency Symbols
 0 BMP20D0 – 20FF符號用組合附加符號Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
 0 BMP2100 – 214F類字母符號Letterlike Symbols
 0 BMP2150 – 218F數字形式Number Forms
 0 BMP2190 – 21FF箭頭Arrows
 0 BMP2200 – 22FF數學運算子Mathematical Operators
 0 BMP2300 – 23FF雜項技術符號Miscellaneous Technical
 0 BMP2400 – 243F控制圖形Control Pictures
 0 BMP2440 – 245F光學字元識別Optical Character Recognition
 0 BMP2460 – 24FF圍繞字母數字Enclosed Alphanumerics
 0 BMP2500 – 257F制表符Box Drawing
 0 BMP2580 – 259F方塊元素Block Elements
 0 BMP25A0 – 25FF幾何圖形Geometric Shapes
 0 BMP2600 – 26FF雜項符號Miscellaneous Symbols
 0 BMP2700 – 27BF裝飾符號Dingbats
 0 BMP27C0 – 27EF雜項數學符號-AMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
 0 BMP27F0 – 27FF追加箭頭-ASupplemental Arrows-A
 0 BMP2800 – 28FF點字圖案Braille Patterns
 0 BMP2900 – 297F追加箭頭-BSupplemental Arrows-B
 0 BMP2980 – 29FF雜項數學符號-BMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
 0 BMP2A00 – 2AFF補充數學運算子Supplemental Mathematical Operators
 0 BMP2B00 – 2BFF雜項符號和箭頭Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
 0 BMP2C00 – 2C5F格拉哥里字母Glagolitic
 0 BMP2C60 – 2C7F拉丁字母擴展-CLatin Extended-C
 0 BMP2C80 – 2CFF科普特字母Coptic
 0 BMP2D00 – 2D2F喬治亞字母補充Georgian Supplement
 0 BMP2D30 – 2D7F提非納文Tifinagh
 0 BMP2D80 – 2DDF衣索比亞字母擴充Ethiopic Extended
 0 BMP2DE0 – 2DFF西里爾字母擴展-ACyrillic Extended-A
 0 BMP2E00 – 2E7F補充標點Supplemental Punctuation
 0 BMP2E80 – 2EFF中日韓漢字部首補充CJK Radicals Supplement
 0 BMP2F00 – 2FDF康熙部首Kangxi Radicals
 0 BMP2FF0 – 2FFF表意文字描述字元Ideographic Description Characters
 0 BMP3000 – 303F中日韓符號和標點CJK Symbols and Punctuation
 0 BMP3040 – 309F平假名Hiragana
 0 BMP30A0 – 30FF片假名Katakana
 0 BMP3100 – 312F注音符號Bopomofo
 0 BMP3130 – 318F諺文相容字母Hangul Compatibility Jamo
 0 BMP3190 – 319F漢文訓讀符號Kanbun
 0 BMP31A0 – 31BF注音符號擴展Bopomofo Extended
 0 BMP31C0 – 31EF中日韓筆畫CJK Strokes
 0 BMP31F0 – 31FF片假名語音擴展Katakana Phonetic Extensions
 0 BMP3200 – 32FF中日韓圍繞字元及月份Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
 0 BMP3300 – 33FF中日韓相容字元CJK Compatibility
 0 BMP3400 – 4DBF中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 ACJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
 0 BMP4DC0 – 4DFF易經六十四卦符號Yijing Hexagram Symbols
 0 BMP4E00 – 9FFF中日韓統一表意文字 (基本區)CJK Unified Ideographs
 0 BMPA000 – A48F彝文音節Yi Syllables
 0 BMPA490 – A4CF彝文部首Yi Radicals
 0 BMPA4D0 – A4FF傈僳文Lisu
 0 BMPA500 – A63F瓦伊文Vai
 0 BMPA640 – A69F西里爾字母擴展-BCyrillic Extended-B
 0 BMPA6A0 – A6FF巴姆穆文字Bamum
 0 BMPA700 – A71F聲調修飾符號Modifier Tone Letters
 0 BMPA720 – A7FF拉丁字母擴展-DLatin Extended-D
 0 BMPA800 – A82F錫爾赫特文Syloti Nagri
 0 BMPA830 – A83F通用印度數字形式Common Indic Number Forms
 0 BMPA840 – A87F八思巴文Phags-pa
 0 BMPA880 – A8DF索拉什特拉文Saurashtra
 0 BMPA8E0 – A8FF天城文擴展Devanagari Extended
 0 BMPA900 – A92F克耶字母Kayah Li
 0 BMPA930 – A95F勒姜字母Rejang
 0 BMPA960 – A97F諺文字母擴展-AHangul Jamo Extended-A
 0 BMPA980 – A9DF爪哇字母Javanese
 0 BMPA9E0 – A9FF緬甸文擴展-BMyanmar Extended-B
 0 BMPAA00 – AA5F占文Cham
 0 BMPAA60 – AA7F緬甸文擴展-AMyanmar Extended-A
 0 BMPAA80 – AADF傣越文Tai Viet
 0 BMPAAE0 – AAFF梅泰文擴充Meetei Mayek Extensions
 0 BMPAB00 – AB2F衣索比亞字母擴充-AEthiopic Extended-A
 0 BMPAB30 – AB6F拉丁字母擴展-ELatin Extended-E
 0 BMPAB70 – ABBF切羅基文補充Cherokee Supplement
 0 BMPABC0 – ABFF梅泰文Meetei Mayek
 0 BMPAC00 – D7AF諺文音節Hangul Syllables
 0 BMPD7B0 – D7FF諺文字母擴展-BHangul Jamo Extended-B
 0 BMPD800 – DB7F高半代用區High Surrogates
 0 BMPDB80 – DBFF高半私人代用區High Private Use Surrogates
 0 BMPDC00 – DFFF低半代用區Low Surrogates
 0 BMPE000 – F8FF私用區Private Use Area
 0 BMPF900 – FAFF中日韓相容表意文字CJK Compatibility Ideographs
 0 BMPFB00 – FB4F字母表達形式Alphabetic Presentation Forms
 0 BMPFB50 – FDFF阿拉伯字母表達形式-AArabic Presentation Forms-A
 0 BMPFE00 – FE0F變體選擇符Variation Selectors
 0 BMPFE10 – FE1F豎排形式Vertical Forms
 0 BMPFE20 – FE2F組合用半符號Combining Half Marks
 0 BMPFE30 – FE4F中日韓相容形式CJK Compatibility Forms
 0 BMPFE50 – FE6F小寫變體形式Small Form Variants
 0 BMPFE70 – FEFF阿拉伯字母表達形式-BArabic Presentation Forms-B
 0 BMPFF00 – FFEF半形及全形字元Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
 0 BMPFFF0 – FFFF特殊Specials
 1 SMP10000 – 1007F線形文字 B 音節文字Linear B Syllabary
 1 SMP10080 – 100FF線形文字 B 表意文字Linear B Ideograms
 1 SMP10100 – 1013F愛琴海數字Aegean Numbers
 1 SMP10140 – 1018F古希臘數字Ancient Greek Numbers
 1 SMP10190 – 101CF古代符號Ancient Symbols
 1 SMP101D0 – 101FF斐斯托斯圓盤Phaistos Disc
 1 SMP10280 – 1029F呂基亞字母Lycian
 1 SMP102A0 – 102DF卡里亞字母Carian
 1 SMP102E0 – 102FF科普特閏餘數字Coptic Epact Numbers
 1 SMP10300 – 1032F古義大利字母Old Italic
 1 SMP10330 – 1034F哥特字母Gothic
 1 SMP10350 – 1037F古彼爾姆文Old Permic
 1 SMP10380 – 1039F烏加里特字母Ugaritic
 1 SMP103A0 – 103DF古波斯楔形文字Old Persian
 1 SMP10400 – 1044F德瑟雷特字母Deseret
 1 SMP10450 – 1047F蕭伯納字母Shavian
 1 SMP10480 – 104AF奧斯曼亞字母Osmanya
 1 SMP104B0 – 104FF歐塞奇字母Osage
 1 SMP10500 – 1052F愛爾巴桑字母Elbasan
 1 SMP10530 – 1056F高加索阿爾巴尼亞字母Caucasian Albanian
 1 SMP10570 – 105BF維斯庫奇文Vithkuqi
 1 SMP10600 – 1077F線形文字 ALinear A
 1 SMP10780 – 107BF拉丁字母擴展-FLatin Extended-F
 1 SMP10800 – 1083F賽普勒斯音節文字Cypriot Syllabary
 1 SMP10840 – 1085F帝國亞拉姆文Imperial Aramaic
 1 SMP10860 – 1087F帕爾邁拉字母Palmyrene
 1 SMP10880 – 108AF納巴泰字母Nabataean
 1 SMP108E0 – 108FF哈特拉文Hatran
 1 SMP10900 – 1091F腓尼基字母Phoenician
 1 SMP10920 – 1093F呂底亞字母Lydian
 1 SMP10980 – 1099F麥羅埃文聖書體Meroitic Hieroglyphs
 1 SMP109A0 – 109FF麥羅埃文草書體Meroitic Cursive
 1 SMP10A00 – 10A5F佉盧文Kharoshthi
 1 SMP10A60 – 10A7F古南阿拉伯字母Old South Arabian
 1 SMP10A80 – 10A9F古北阿拉伯字母Old North Arabian
 1 SMP10AC0 – 10AFF摩尼字母Manichaean
 1 SMP10B00 – 10B3F阿維斯陀字母Avestan
 1 SMP10B40 – 10B5F碑刻帕提亞文Inscriptional Parthian
 1 SMP10B60 – 10B7F碑刻巴列維文Inscriptional Pahlavi
 1 SMP10B80 – 10BAF詩篇巴列維文Psalter Pahlavi
 1 SMP10C00 – 10C4F古突厥文Old Turkic
 1 SMP10C80 – 10CFF古匈牙利字母Old Hungarian
 1 SMP10D00 – 10D3F哈乃斐羅興亞文字Hanifi Rohingya
 1 SMP10E60 – 10E7F盧米文數字Rumi Numeral Symbols
 1 SMP10E80 – 10EBF雅茲迪文Yezidi
 1 SMP10EC0 – 10EFF阿拉伯字母擴展-CArabic Extended-C
 1 SMP10F00 – 10F2F古粟特字母Old Sogdian
 1 SMP10F30 – 10F6F粟特字母Sogdian
 1 SMP10F70 – 10FAF回鶻字母Old Uyghur
 1 SMP10FB0 – 10FDF花剌子模字母Chorasmian
 1 SMP10FE0 – 10FFF埃利邁文Elymaic
 1 SMP11000 – 1107F婆羅米文Brahmi
 1 SMP11080 – 110CF凱提文Kaithi
 1 SMP110D0 – 110FF索拉僧平文字Sora Sompeng
 1 SMP11100 – 1114F查克馬文Chakma
 1 SMP11150 – 1117F馬哈佳尼文Mahajani
 1 SMP11180 – 111DF夏拉達文Sharada
 1 SMP111E0 – 111FF古僧伽羅文數字Sinhala Archaic Numbers
 1 SMP11200 – 1124F可吉文Khojki
 1 SMP11280 – 112AF穆爾塔尼文Multani
 1 SMP112B0 – 112FF庫達瓦迪文Khudawadi
 1 SMP11300 – 1137F古蘭塔文Grantha
 1 SMP11400 – 1147F紐瓦字母Newa
 1 SMP11480 – 114DF底羅僕多文Tirhuta
 1 SMP11580 – 115FF悉曇文字Siddham
 1 SMP11600 – 1165F莫迪文Modi
 1 SMP11660 – 1167F蒙古文補充Mongolian Supplement
 1 SMP11680 – 116CF塔克里文Takri
 1 SMP11700 – 1174F阿洪姆文Ahom
 1 SMP11800 – 1184F多格拉文Dogra
 1 SMP118A0 – 118FF瓦蘭齊地文Warang Citi
 1 SMP11900 – 1195F島嶼字母Dhives Akuru (Dives Akuru)
 1 SMP119A0 – 119FF南迪城文Nandinagari
 1 SMP11A00 – 11A4F札那巴札爾方形字母Zanabazar Square
 1 SMP11A50 – 11AAF索永布文字Soyombo
 1 SMP11AB0 – 11ABF加拿大原住民音節文字擴展-AUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A
 1 SMP11AC0 – 11AFF包欽豪文Pau Cin Hau
 1 SMP11B00 – 11B5F天城文擴展-ADevanagari Extended-A
 1 SMP11C00 – 11C6F拜克舒基文Bhaiksuki
 1 SMP11C70 – 11CBF瑪欽文Marchen
 1 SMP11D00 – 11D5F馬薩拉姆貢德文字Masaram Gondi
 1 SMP11D60 – 11DAF貢賈拉貢德文字Gunjala Gondi
 1 SMP11EE0 – 11EFF望加錫文Makasar
 1 SMP11F00 – 11F5F卡維文Kawi
 1 SMP11FB0 – 11FBF老傈僳文補充Lisu Supplement
 1 SMP11FC0 – 11FFF泰米爾文補充Tamil Supplement
 1 SMP12000 – 123FF楔形文字Cuneiform
 1 SMP12400 – 1247F楔形文字數字和標點符號Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation
 1 SMP12480 – 1254F早期王朝楔形文字Early Dynastic Cuneiform
 1 SMP12F90 – 12FFF賽普勒斯-米諾斯文字Cypro-Minoan
 1 SMP13000 – 1342F埃及聖書體Egyptian Hieroglyphs
 1 SMP13430 – 1345F埃及聖書體格式控制Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls
 1 SMP14400 – 1467F安納托利亞象形文字Anatolian Hieroglyphs
 1 SMP16800 – 16A3F巴姆穆文字補充Bamum Supplement
 1 SMP16A40 – 16A6F默祿文Mro
 1 SMP16A70 – 16ACF唐薩文Tangsa
 1 SMP16AD0 – 16AFF巴薩文Bassa Vah
 1 SMP16B00 – 16B8F救世苗文Pahawh Hmong
 1 SMP16E40 – 16E9F梅德法伊德林文Medefaidrin
 1 SMP16F00 – 16F9F柏格理苗文Miao
 1 SMP16FE0 – 16FFF表意符號和標點符號Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
 1 SMP17000 – 187FF西夏文Tangut
 1 SMP18800 – 18AFF西夏文部件Tangut Components
 1 SMP18B00 – 18CFF契丹小字Khitan Small Script
 1 SMP18D00 – 18D7F西夏文補充Tangut Supplement
 1 SMP1AFF0 – 1AFFF假名擴展-BKana Extended-B
 1 SMP1B000 – 1B0FF假名補充Kana Supplement
 1 SMP1B100 – 1B12F假名擴展-AKana Extended-A
 1 SMP1B130 – 1B16F小型假名擴充Small Kana Extension
 1 SMP1B170 – 1B2FF女書Nushu
 1 SMP1BC00 – 1BC9F杜普雷速記Duployan
 1 SMP1BCA0 – 1BCAF速記格式控制符Shorthand Format Controls
 1 SMP1CF00 – 1CFCF贊玫尼聖歌音樂符號Znamenny Musical Notation
 1 SMP1D000 – 1D0FF拜占庭音樂符號Byzantine Musical Symbols
 1 SMP1D100 – 1D1FF音樂符號Musical Symbols
 1 SMP1D200 – 1D24F古希臘音樂記號Ancient Greek Musical Notation
 1 SMP1D2C0 – 1D2DF卡克托維克數字Kaktovik Numerals
 1 SMP1D2E0 – 1D2FF瑪雅數字Mayan Numerals
 1 SMP1D300 – 1D35F太玄經符號Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
 1 SMP1D360 – 1D37F算籌Counting Rod Numerals
 1 SMP1D400 – 1D7FF字母和數字符號Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
 1 SMP1D800 – 1DAAF薩頓書寫符號Sutton SignWriting
 1 SMP1DF00 – 1DFFF拉丁字母擴展-GLatin Extended-G
 1 SMP1E000 – 1E02F格拉哥里字母補充Glagolitic Supplement
 1 SMP1E030 – 1E08F西里爾字母擴展-DCyrillic Extended-D
 1 SMP1E100 – 1E14F創世紀苗文Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong
 1 SMP1E290 – 1E2BF投投文Toto
 1 SMP1E2C0 – 1E2FF文喬字母Wancho
 1 SMP1E4D0 – 1E4FF蒙達里字母Nag Mundari
 1 SMP1E7E0 – 1E7FF衣索比亞字母擴充-BEthiopic Extended-B
 1 SMP1E800 – 1E8DF門德基卡庫文Mende Kikakui
 1 SMP1E900 – 1E95F阿德拉姆字母Adlam
 1 SMP1EC70 – 1ECBF印度西亞格數字Indic Siyaq Numbers
 1 SMP1ED00 – 1ED4F奧斯曼西亞格數字Ottoman Siyaq Numbers
 1 SMP1EE00 – 1EEFF阿拉伯字母數字符號Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
 1 SMP1F000 – 1F02F麻將牌Mahjong Tiles
 1 SMP1F030 – 1F09F多米諾骨牌Domino Tiles
 1 SMP1F0A0 – 1F0FF撲克牌Playing Cards
 1 SMP1F100 – 1F1FF圍繞字母數字補充Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
 1 SMP1F200 – 1F2FF圍繞表意文字補充Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
 1 SMP1F300 – 1F5FF雜項符號和象形文字Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
 1 SMP1F600 – 1F64F表情符號Emoticons
 1 SMP1F650 – 1F67F裝飾符號Ornamental Dingbats
 1 SMP1F680 – 1F6FF交通和地圖符號Transport and Map Symbols
 1 SMP1F700 – 1F77F鍊金術符號Alchemical Symbols
 1 SMP1F780 – 1F7FF幾何圖形擴展Geometric Shapes Extended
 1 SMP1F800 – 1F8FF追加箭頭-CSupplemental Arrows-C
 1 SMP1F900 – 1F9FF補充符號和象形文字Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs
 1 SMP1FA00 – 1FA6F棋類符號Chess Symbols
 1 SMP1FA70 – 1FAFF符號和象形文字擴充-ASymbols and Pictographs Extended-A
 1 SMP1FB00 – 1FBFF遺留計算符號Symbols for Legacy Computing
 2 SIP20000 – 2A6DF中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 BCJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
 2 SIP2A700 – 2B73F中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 CCJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
 2 SIP2B740 – 2B81F中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 DCJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
 2 SIP2B820 – 2CEAF中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 ECJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
 2 SIP2CEB0 – 2EBEF中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 FCJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
 2 SIP2F800 – 2FA1F中日韓相容表意文字補充區CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
 3 TIP30000 – 3134F中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 GCJK Unified Ideographs Extension G
 3 TIP31350 – 323AF中日韓統一表意文字擴充區 HCJK Unified Ideographs Extension H
14 SSPE0000 – E007F標籤Tags
14 SSPE0100 – E01EF變體選擇符補充Variation Selectors Supplement
15 PUA-AF0000 – FFFFF補充私人使用區-ASupplementary Private Use Area-A
16 PUA-B100000 – 10FFFF補充私人使用區-BSupplementary Private Use Area-B
