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Research Paper Notes

Daily Life

Reading papers is a truly enjoyable activity!

If you've been an engineer for many years, you probably understand this sentiment.

In our usual development projects, we tend to focus on practical issues like performance, stability, and maintainability. Therefore, the technologies and tools we use are relatively fixed and don't change much. Furthermore, a significant amount of our time and mental energy is consumed by communicating with clients, leaving us exhausted and with little energy to keep up with new technologies.

Being able to take some time out of our daily work to read a paper is a rare and leisurely pleasure. We don't have to be like those researchers who are stressed out every day about the progress of their papers. Just by reading the papers, we can understand the difficulties and efforts of the researchers, as well as the latest academic developments.

The truths of this universe lie in the minute observations within each paper. These observations might be incorrect, biased, or merely wishful thinking by the researchers, but they could also hit the core of the matter. These are all essential steps in the pursuit of truth.

We believe that the attitude towards reading papers should be relaxed, with a reverence for knowledge.

We think, we record, and we persistently move forward.

We always believe: knowledge is power.

The Era of Large Language Models

Since the advent of ChatGPT, reading papers has become much easier, but this doesn't mean we can relinquish the responsibility of thinking.

Here, we document our insights from reading papers and our understanding of the papers might be biased or incorrect.

If there is any discrepancy with the original papers, please refer to the original paper first.

Finding Papers

If you want to find a paper, we suggest pasting the title into the search bar at the top right corner for quicker results.

Our writing format is as follows:

  • The title includes: [Publication Date] + [Author's Name or Common Reference Name]
  • The content starts with a brief discussion
  • Then defines the problem the paper aims to solve
  • Introduces the solution method
  • Ends with discussion and conclusion

Thus, this is not a direct translation of the paper but more of a guided reading.

Additionally, for English content, since papers are originally in English, providing translations might seem unnecessary. However, for the sake of completeness of this website, we decided to let ChatGPT 4o handle it.

If during the reading process you find:

  • Broken or incorrect links
  • Translation errors
  • Misunderstandings

Please feel free to leave a comment and let us know, and we will prioritize fixing them.

One More Thing

Writing paper guides is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Writing one guide can take as much time as reading five papers.

So, the content largely depends on serendipity.

If you come across some interesting articles, feel free to share them with us. If we have time, we'll take a look.

If we have time.

2024 Zephyr