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Logging into RTF8207W Router

· One min read


Cover Image: Automatically generated by GPT-4 after reading the article.

Today, we're going to talk about logging into Chunghwa Telecom's little turtle, the RTF8207W modem.

First off, the actual device doesn't look anything like the cover image; that's just a figment of GPT's imagination.

But I digress, let's get back to it:

1. Accessing the Management Interface

Typically, you can access it through a web browser by entering or another IP address. The specific address might vary depending on your router model.


2. Default Credentials

Usually, the username is: cht, and the password is last four digits of the model + last four digits of the MAC address.


3. Logging In

And then, you're free to do as you please.


If you accidentally mess up the settings, causing a network collapse and loss of connection, please contact Chunghwa Telecom technicians.

This article is for reference only and assumes no responsibility.