安裝 fontTools
我們使用 fontTools
來取得字型相關資訊,這是一個在 Python 社群廣受好評的處理字型檔案套件,我們可以透過他來操作並解析各式 TTF、OTF 檔案。
首先,使用以下指令安裝 fontTools
pip install fonttools
如果你對 fontTools
移除字串中不需要的控制字元 (
)這個函數用來清理字串中的控制字元或不可見字元,這些字元可能會干擾後續的處理,因此我們需要先將他們移除。此外,有些字元是多個 Unicode 組合而成,我們有引入
。 -
提取字型資訊 (
: 字型檔在系統中的路徑。tables
: 列出字型檔案中可用的所有 Tables。nameTable
: 以nameID
為索引的原始 name table。nameTableReadable
: 將常見nameID
(例如字型家族、版本)映射成更易讀的 key。cmapTable
: 對應各種編碼(platformID、platEncID)與 glyph 名稱的映射關係。headTable
: 字型的基本參數資訊,例如unitsPerEm
: 水平排版資訊,包括上緣 (ascent)、下緣 (descent) 與行距 (lineGap)。OS2Table
: 字重 (usWeightClass)、字型寬度 (usWidthClass) 以及嵌入限制 (fsType) 等。postTable
: PostScript 相關資訊,如是否為等寬字型 (isFixedPitch)、字型傾斜角度 (italicAngle)。layoutMetrics
: 整合了多個表格後的排版度量資訊(包括 boundingBox、unitsPerEm、行距等)。summary
: 字型概要,幫你快速查閱字型家族 (fontFamily)、子家族 (fontSubfamily)、版本資訊 (version)、字重 (weightClass) 及是否為斜體 (isItalic)。
其中比較重要的是 cmapTable
平臺名稱 (
: Unicode(通用的字型標準)1
: Macintosh(Mac 系統專用字型)3
: Windows(Windows 系統專用字型)
platform_name = {
0: 'Unicode',
1: 'Macintosh',
3: 'Windows'
}.get(cmap.platformID, f"Platform {cmap.platformID}")這段程式碼會先檢查
);若找不到,則直接返回Platform {cmap.platformID}
,用以處理不在字典內的自訂平臺代碼。 -
編碼名稱 (
共同決定,常見的組合及其含義如下:(0, 0)
: Unicode 1.0(0, 3)
: Unicode 2.0+(0, 4)
: Unicode 2.0+ with BMP(基本多文種平面)(1, 0)
: Mac Roman(Macintosh 的羅馬字母編碼)(3, 1)
: Windows Unicode BMP(Windows 的基本多文種平面編碼)(3, 10)
: Windows Unicode Full(Windows 的完整 Unicode 編碼)
(platformID, platEncID)
的元組進行查找:encoding_name = {
(0, 0): 'Unicode 1.0',
(0, 3): 'Unicode 2.0+',
(0, 4): 'Unicode 2.0+ with BMP',
(1, 0): 'Mac Roman',
(3, 1): 'Windows Unicode BMP',
(3, 10): 'Windows Unicode Full'
}.get((cmap.platformID, cmap.platEncID), f"Encoding {cmap.platEncID}")如果找到對應的組合,程式會返回對應的文字描述;若無法匹配,則返回預設值
Encoding {cmap.platEncID}
以下是完整程式,你可以將輸出資訊匯出成 JSON 儲存,以便後續做更進一步的分析或追蹤。
import re
import unicodedata
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
def load_ttfont(font_path: Union[str, Path], **kwargs) -> TTFont:
"""Load a TrueType font file."""
if isinstance(font_path, Path):
font_path = str(font_path)
return TTFont(font_path, **kwargs)
def remove_control_characters(text: str, normalize: bool = True) -> str:
Remove control characters and invisible formatting characters from a string.
text (str): The input string.
normalize (bool): Whether to normalize the text to remove inconsistencies.
str: The sanitized string with control and invisible characters removed.
# Remove basic control characters (C0 and C1 control codes)
sanitized = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]', '', text)
# Remove specific Unicode control and invisible formatting characters
sanitized = re.sub(
r'[\u200B-\u200F\u2028-\u202F\u2060-\u206F]', '', sanitized)
# Remove directional formatting characters (optional, adjust if needed)
sanitized = re.sub(r'[\u202A-\u202E]', '', sanitized)
# Optionally, normalize the text to remove any leftover inconsistencies
if normalize:
sanitized = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', sanitized)
return sanitized
def extract_font_info(
font_path: Union[str, Path],
normalize: bool = True
) -> dict:
"""Extract detailed metadata and structural information from a font file.
font_path (Union[str, Path]): Path to the font file.
dict: A dictionary containing font metadata and tables, including:
- fileName (str): Path to the font file.
- tables (list): List of available tables in the font.
- nameTable (dict): Raw name table values, keyed by nameID.
- nameTableReadable (dict): Readable name table with keys:
* copyright (str): Copyright information.
* fontFamily (str): Font family name.
* fontSubfamily (str): Font subfamily name.
* uniqueID (str): Unique identifier for the font.
* fullName (str): Full font name.
* version (str): Font version string.
* postScriptName (str): PostScript name.
- cmapTable (dict): Character-to-glyph mappings, keyed by encoding.
- cmapTableIndex (list): List of encoding descriptions.
- headTable (dict): Font header table with keys:
* unitsPerEm (int): Units per em.
* xMin (int): Minimum x-coordinate of the glyph bounding box.
* yMin (int): Minimum y-coordinate of the glyph bounding box.
* xMax (int): Maximum x-coordinate of the glyph bounding box.
* yMax (int): Maximum y-coordinate of the glyph bounding box.
- hheaTable (dict): Horizontal header table with keys:
* ascent (int): Typographic ascent.
* descent (int): Typographic descent.
* lineGap (int): Line gap.
- OS2Table (dict): OS/2 table with keys:
* usWeightClass (int): Weight class.
* usWidthClass (int): Width class.
* fsType (int): Embedding restrictions.
- postTable (dict): PostScript table with keys:
* isFixedPitch (bool): Whether the font is monospaced.
* italicAngle (float): Italic angle of the font.
- layoutMetrics (dict): Font layout metrics with keys:
* unitsPerEm (int): Units per em.
* boundingBox (dict): Bounding box coordinates:
- xMin (int): Minimum x-coordinate.
- yMin (int): Minimum y-coordinate.
- xMax (int): Maximum x-coordinate.
- yMax (int): Maximum y-coordinate.
* ascent (int): Typographic ascent.
* descent (int): Typographic descent.
* lineGap (int): Line gap.
- summary (dict): High-level font summary with keys:
* fontFamily (str): Font family name.
* fontSubfamily (str): Font subfamily name.
* version (str): Font version.
* weightClass (int): Weight class.
* isItalic (bool): Whether the font is italic.
if isinstance(font_path, Path):
font_path = str(font_path)
font = TTFont(font_path)
font_info = {}
# File name and available tables
font_info['fileName'] = font_path
font_info['tables'] = list(font.keys())
# Parse name table
name_table = {}
for record in font['name'].names:
raw_string = record.string.decode('utf-16-be').strip()
clean_string = remove_control_characters(raw_string, normalize)
name_table[record.nameID] = clean_string
except UnicodeDecodeError:
name_table[record.nameID] = remove_control_characters(
record.string.decode(errors='ignore'), normalize)
font_info['nameTable'] = name_table
# Readable name table for common nameIDs
name_table_readable = {
'copyright': name_table.get(0, ''),
'fontFamily': name_table.get(1, ''),
'fontSubfamily': name_table.get(2, ''),
'uniqueID': name_table.get(3, ''),
'fullName': name_table.get(4, ''),
'version': name_table.get(5, ''),
'postScriptName': name_table.get(6, ''),
font_info['nameTableReadable'] = {
k: remove_control_characters(v, normalize)
for k, v in name_table_readable.items()
# Parse cmap table
cmap_table = {}
cmap_table_index = []
for cmap in font['cmap'].tables:
platform_name = {
0: 'Unicode',
1: 'Macintosh',
3: 'Windows'
}.get(cmap.platformID, f"Platform {cmap.platformID}")
encoding_name = {
(0, 0): 'Unicode 1.0',
(0, 3): 'Unicode 2.0+',
(0, 4): 'Unicode 2.0+ with BMP',
(1, 0): 'Mac Roman',
(3, 1): 'Windows Unicode BMP',
(3, 10): 'Windows Unicode Full'
}.get((cmap.platformID, cmap.platEncID), f"Encoding {cmap.platEncID}")
cmap_entries = {}
for codepoint, glyph_name in cmap.cmap.items():
char = chr(codepoint)
cmap_entries[remove_control_characters(char, normalize)] = \
remove_control_characters(glyph_name, normalize)
key = f"{platform_name}, {encoding_name}"
cmap_table[key] = cmap_entries
font_info['cmapTable'] = cmap_table
font_info['cmapTableIndex'] = cmap_table_index
# Parse head table
head = font['head']
head_table = {
'unitsPerEm': head.unitsPerEm,
'xMin': head.xMin,
'yMin': head.yMin,
'xMax': head.xMax,
'yMax': head.yMax,
font_info['headTable'] = head_table
# Parse hhea table
hhea = font['hhea']
hhea_table = {
'ascent': hhea.ascent,
'descent': hhea.descent,
'lineGap': hhea.lineGap,
font_info['hheaTable'] = hhea_table
# Parse OS/2 table
os2 = font['OS/2']
os2_table = {
'usWeightClass': os2.usWeightClass,
'usWidthClass': os2.usWidthClass,
'fsType': os2.fsType,
font_info['OS2Table'] = os2_table
# Parse post table
post = font['post']
post_table = {
'isFixedPitch': post.isFixedPitch,
'italicAngle': post.italicAngle,
font_info['postTable'] = post_table
# Combine layout-related metrics
font_info['layoutMetrics'] = {
'unitsPerEm': head_table['unitsPerEm'],
'boundingBox': {
'xMin': head_table['xMin'],
'yMin': head_table['yMin'],
'xMax': head_table['xMax'],
'yMax': head_table['yMax']
'ascent': hhea_table['ascent'],
'descent': hhea_table['descent'],
'lineGap': hhea_table['lineGap']
# Font summary
font_info['summary'] = {
'fontFamily': name_table_readable['fontFamily'],
'fontSubfamily': name_table_readable['fontSubfamily'],
'version': name_table_readable['version'],
'weightClass': os2.usWeightClass,
'isItalic': post_table['italicAngle'] != 0
return font_info
我們以 OcrB-Regular.ttf
這個字型檔案為例,先呼叫函數,然後輸出至 JSON 檔案:
import json
font_infos = extract_font_info('OcrB-Regular.ttf')
json.dump(font_infos, open('OcrB-Regular-Info.json', 'w'),
indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
"fileName": "/path/to/your/folder/OcrB-Regular.ttf",
"tables": [
"cvt ",
"nameTable": {
"0": "This is a copyrighted typeface program",
"1": "OcrB",
"2": "Regular",
"3": "Altsys Fontographer 3.5 OcrB Regular",
"4": "OcrB Regular",
"5": "Altsys Fontographer 3.5 4/15/93",
"6": "OcrB Regular"
"nameTableReadable": {
"copyright": "This is a copyrighted typeface program",
"fontFamily": "OcrB",
"fontSubfamily": "Regular",
"uniqueID": "Altsys Fontographer 3.5 OcrB Regular",
"fullName": "OcrB Regular",
"version": "Altsys Fontographer 3.5 4/15/93",
"postScriptName": "OcrB Regular"
"cmapTable": {
"Unicode, Unicode 1.0": {
" ": "nonbreakingspace",
"!": "exclam",
"\"": "quotedbl",
"#": "numbersign",
"$": "dollar",
"%": "percent",
"&": "ampersand",
"'": "quotesingle",
"(": "parenleft",
")": "parenright",
"*": "asterisk",
"+": "plus",
",": "comma",
"-": "hyphen",
".": "period",
"/": "slash",
"0": "zero",
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three",
"4": "four",
"5": "five",
"6": "six",
"7": "seven",
"8": "eight",
"9": "nine",
":": "colon",
";": "semicolon",
"<": "less",
"=": "equal",
">": "greater",
"?": "question",
"@": "at",
"A": "A",
"B": "B",
"C": "C",
"D": "D",
"E": "E",
"F": "F",
"G": "G",
"H": "H",
"I": "I",
"J": "J",
"K": "K",
"L": "L",
"M": "M",
"N": "N",
"O": "O",
"P": "P",
"Q": "Q",
"R": "R",
"S": "S",
"T": "T",
"U": "U",
"V": "V",
"W": "W",
"X": "X",
"Y": "Y",
"Z": "Z",
"[": "bracketleft",
"\\": "backslash",
"]": "bracketright",
"^": "asciicircum",
"_": "underscore",
"`": "grave",
"a": "a",
"b": "b",
"c": "c",
"d": "d",
"e": "e",
"f": "f",
"g": "g",
"h": "h",
"i": "i",
"j": "j",
"k": "k",
"l": "l",
"m": "m",
"n": "n",
"o": "o",
"p": "p",
"q": "q",
"r": "r",
"s": "zcaron",
"t": "t",
"u": "u",
"v": "v",
"w": "w",
"x": "x",
"y": "y",
"z": "z",
"{": "braceleft",
"|": "bar",
"}": "braceright",
"¡": "exclamdown",
"¢": "cent",
"£": "sterling",
"¤": "currency",
"¥": "yen",
"§": "section",
" ̈": "dieresis",
"«": "guillemotleft",
"": "hyphen",
" ̄": "macron",
" ́": "acute",
"·": "periodcentered",
" ̧": "cedilla",
"»": "guillemotright",
"¿": "questiondown",
"À": "Agrave",
"Á": "Aacute",
"Â": "Acircumflex",
"Ã": "Atilde",
"Ä": "Adieresis",
"Å": "Aring",
"Æ": "AE",
"Ç": "Ccedilla",
"È": "Egrave",
"É": "Eacute",
"Ê": "Ecircumflex",
"Ë": "Edieresis",
"Ì": "Igrave",
"Í": "Iacute",
"Î": "Icircumflex",
"Ï": "Idieresis",
"Ð": "Eth",
"Ñ": "Ntilde",
"Ò": "Ograve",
"Ó": "Oacute",
"Ô": "Ocircumflex",
"Õ": "Otilde",
"Ö": "Odieresis",
"×": ".null",
"Ø": "Oslash",
"Ù": "Ugrave",
"Ú": "Uacute",
"Û": "Ucircumflex",
"Ü": "Udieresis",
"Ý": "Yacute#1",
"Þ": "Thorn",
"ß": "germandbls",
"à": "agrave",
"á": "aacute",
"â": "acircumflex",
"ã": "atilde",
"ä": "adieresis",
"å": "aring",
"æ": "ae",
"ç": "ccedilla",
"è": "egrave",
"é": "eacute",
"ê": "ecircumflex",
"ë": "edieresis",
"ì": "igrave",
"í": "iacute",
"î": "icircumflex",
"ï": "idieresis",
"ð": "Yacute",
"ñ": "ntilde",
"ò": "ograve",
"ó": "oacute",
"ô": "ocircumflex",
"õ": "otilde",
"ö": "odieresis",
"ø": "oslash",
"ù": "ugrave",
"ú": "uacute",
"û": "ucircumflex",
"ü": "udieresis",
"ý": "yacute",
"þ": "thorn",
"ÿ": "ydieresis",
"ı": "dotlessi",
"Ł": "Lslash",
"ł": "lslash",
"Œ": "OE",
"œ": "oe",
"Š": "Scaron",
"š": "scaron",
"Ÿ": "Ydieresis",
"Ž": "Zcaron",
"ʺ": "hungarumlaut",
"ˆ": "circumflex",
"ˇ": "caron",
"ˉ": "macron",
" ̆": "breve",
" ̇": "dotaccent",
" ̊": "ring",
" ̨": "ogonek",
" ̃": "tilde",
"–": "endash",
"—": "emdash",
"‘": "quoteleft",
"‚": "quotesinglbase",
"“": "quotedblleft",
"”": "quotedblright",
"„": "quotedblbase",
"†": "dagger",
"‡": "daggerdbl",
"...": "ellipsis",
"‹": "guilsinglleft",
"›": "guilsinglright",
"−": "minus",
"∙": "periodcentered"
"Macintosh, Mac Roman": {
"": "udieresis",
" ": "dagger",
"!": "exclam",
"\"": "quotedbl",
"#": "numbersign",
"$": "dollar",
"%": "percent",
"&": "ampersand",
"'": "quotesingle",
"(": "parenleft",
")": "parenright",
"*": "asterisk",
"+": "plus",
",": "comma",
"-": "hyphen",
".": "period",
"/": "slash",
"0": "zero",
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three",
"4": "four",
"5": "five",
"6": "six",
"7": "seven",
"8": "eight",
"9": "nine",
":": "colon",
";": "semicolon",
"<": "less",
"=": "equal",
">": "greater",
"?": "question",
"@": "at",
"A": "A",
"B": "B",
"C": "C",
"D": "D",
"E": "E",
"F": "F",
"G": "G",
"H": "H",
"I": "I",
"J": "J",
"K": "K",
"L": "L",
"M": "M",
"N": "N",
"O": "O",
"P": "P",
"Q": "Q",
"R": "R",
"S": "S",
"T": "T",
"U": "U",
"V": "V",
"W": "W",
"X": "X",
"Y": "Y",
"Z": "Z",
"[": "bracketleft",
"\\": "backslash",
"]": "bracketright",
"^": "asciicircum",
"_": "underscore",
"`": "grave",
"a": "a",
"b": "b",
"c": "c",
"d": "d",
"e": "e",
"f": "f",
"g": "g",
"h": "h",
"i": "i",
"j": "j",
"k": "k",
"l": "l",
"m": "m",
"n": "n",
"o": "o",
"p": "p",
"q": "q",
"r": "r",
"s": "s",
"t": "t",
"u": "u",
"v": "v",
"w": "w",
"x": "x",
"y": "y",
"z": "z",
"{": "braceleft",
"|": "bar",
"}": "braceright",
"¢": "cent",
"£": "sterling",
"¤": "section",
"§": "germandbls",
"«": "acute",
"¬": "dieresis",
"®": "AE",
" ̄": "Oslash",
" ́": "yen",
"3⁄4": "ae",
"¿": "oslash",
"À": "questiondown",
"Á": "exclamdown",
"Ç": "guillemotleft",
"È": "guillemotright",
"É": "ellipsis",
"Ê": "nonbreakingspace",
"Ë": "Agrave",
"Ì": "Atilde",
"Í": "Otilde",
"Î": "OE",
"Ï": "oe",
"Ð": "endash",
"Ñ": "emdash",
"Ò": "quotedblleft",
"Ó": "quotedblright",
"Ô": "quoteleft",
"Ø": "ydieresis",
"Ù": "Ydieresis",
"Û": "currency",
"Ü": "guilsinglleft",
"Ý": "guilsinglright",
"à": "daggerdbl",
"á": "periodcentered",
"â": "quotesinglbase",
"ã": "quotedblbase",
"å": "Acircumflex",
"æ": "Ecircumflex",
"ç": "Aacute",
"è": "Edieresis",
"é": "Egrave",
"ê": "Iacute",
"ë": "Icircumflex",
"ì": "Idieresis",
"í": "Igrave",
"î": "Oacute",
"ï": "Ocircumflex",
"ñ": "Ograve",
"ò": "Uacute",
"ó": "Ucircumflex",
"ô": "Ugrave",
"õ": "dotlessi",
"ö": "circumflex",
"÷": "tilde",
"ø": "macron",
"ù": "breve",
"ú": "dotaccent",
"û": "ring",
"ü": "cedilla",
"ý": "hungarumlaut",
"þ": "ogonek",
"ÿ": "caron"
"Windows, Windows Unicode BMP": {
" ": "nonbreakingspace",
"!": "exclam",
"\"": "quotedbl",
"#": "numbersign",
"$": "dollar",
"%": "percent",
"&": "ampersand",
"'": "quotesingle",
"(": "parenleft",
")": "parenright",
"*": "asterisk",
"+": "plus",
",": "comma",
"-": "hyphen",
".": "period",
"/": "slash",
"0": "zero",
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three",
"4": "four",
"5": "five",
"6": "six",
"7": "seven",
"8": "eight",
"9": "nine",
":": "colon",
";": "semicolon",
"<": "less",
"=": "equal",
">": "greater",
"?": "question",
"@": "at",
"A": "A",
"B": "B",
"C": "C",
"D": "D",
"E": "E",
"F": "F",
"G": "G",
"H": "H",
"I": "I",
"J": "J",
"K": "K",
"L": "L",
"M": "M",
"N": "N",
"O": "O",
"P": "P",
"Q": "Q",
"R": "R",
"S": "S",
"T": "T",
"U": "U",
"V": "V",
"W": "W",
"X": "X",
"Y": "Y",
"Z": "Z",
"[": "bracketleft",
"\\": "backslash",
"]": "bracketright",
"^": "asciicircum",
"_": "underscore",
"`": "grave",
"a": "a",
"b": "b",
"c": "c",
"d": "d",
"e": "e",
"f": "f",
"g": "g",
"h": "h",
"i": "i",
"j": "j",
"k": "k",
"l": "l",
"m": "m",
"n": "n",
"o": "o",
"p": "p",
"q": "q",
"r": "r",
"s": "zcaron",
"t": "t",
"u": "u",
"v": "v",
"w": "w",
"x": "x",
"y": "y",
"z": "z",
"{": "braceleft",
"|": "bar",
"}": "braceright",
"¡": "exclamdown",
"¢": "cent",
"£": "sterling",
"¤": "currency",
"¥": "yen",
"§": "section",
" ̈": "dieresis",
"«": "guillemotleft",
"": "hyphen",
" ̄": "macron",
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