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We have not included image augmentation functionality directly within WordCanvas because we believe it is a highly "customizable" requirement. Different application scenarios may require different augmentation methods. However, we provide some simple examples to illustrate how to implement image augmentation.

We prefer using the albumentations package for image augmentation, but you can use any library you prefer.

Example 1: Shear Transformation

After generating a text image, apply custom operations.

First, we demonstrate applying a shear transformation using Shear:

The Shear class is responsible for performing shear transformations on images. Shearing changes the geometric shape of an image, creating a horizontal slant, which can help models learn to recognize objects in different directions and positions.

  • Parameters

    • max_shear_left: Maximum shear angle to the left. Default is 20 degrees.
    • max_shear_right: Maximum shear angle to the right. Default is also 20 degrees.
    • p: Probability of applying the operation. Default is 0.5, meaning any given image has a 50% chance of being sheared.
  • Usage

    from wordcanvas import Shear, WordCanvas

    gen = WordCanvas()
    shear = Shear(max_shear_left=20, max_shear_right=20, p=0.5)

    img, _ = gen('Hello, World!')
    img = shear(img)


Example 2: Rotation Transformation

To implement rotation transformation, we use the SafeRotate class from albumentations.

When using operations like Shift, Scale, or Rotate, you might encounter background color filling issues.

In this case, you should call the infos information to get the background color.

from wordcanvas import ExampleAug, WordCanvas
import albumentations as A

gen = WordCanvas(
background_color=(255, 255, 0),
text_color=(0, 0, 0)

aug = A.SafeRotate(

img, infos = gen('Hello, World!')
img = aug(image=img)['image']


Example 3: Modifying Class Behavior

By now, you might notice:

  • If each time WordCanvas generates an image with a random background color, it requires reinitializing the albumentations class every time, which might seem inefficient.

Perhaps we can modify the behavior of albumentations so that it can be used continuously after a single initialization?

import albumentations as A
import cv2
import numpy as np
from wordcanvas import WordCanvas

gen = WordCanvas(

aug = A.SafeRotate(

imgs = []
for _ in range(8):
img, infos = gen('Hello, World!')

# Modify albu class behavior
aug.value = infos['background_color']

img = aug(image=img)['image']


# Display results
img = np.concatenate(imgs, axis=0)



We still recommend using the method from Example 2 (even though it might seem a bit cumbersome) because if you directly modify the behavior of albumentations classes, it can cause issues in multi-threaded training environments. Please be careful!

Example 4: Adding Backgrounds

You might want more than just plain text images and want to add backgrounds to improve the generalization ability of your model.

In this case, you need to prepare a set of background images and then refer to the following example:

import albumentations as A
import cv2
import numpy as np
from wordcanvas import WordCanvas
from albumentations import RandomCrop

gen = WordCanvas(

# Generate a random color text image
img, infos = gen('Hello, World!')


Next, load a background image:

bg = cv2.imread('path/to/your/background.jpg')


Finally, randomly crop a region from the background and place the text image on it:

bg = RandomCrop(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])(image=bg)['image']

result_img = np.where(img == infos['background_color'], bg, img)


Example 5: Perspective Transformation

Perspective transformation is a technique that projects an image onto a new viewpoint, simulating the appearance of objects from different angles and distances.

Continuing from the previous example, apply a perspective transformation to the image before overlaying the background:

from albumentations import Perspective

aug = A.Perspective(

img = aug(image=img)['image']
result_img = np.where(img == infos['background_color'], bg, img)



For spatial transformation image augmentations, we recommend applying perspective transformation to the original image first, then overlaying the background image. This way, the background image won't have strange black edges.

Example 6: Strong Light Reflection

Text images are also prone to issues with strong light reflections. In this case, we can use RandomSunFlare to simulate this condition:

from albumentations import RandomSunFlare

aug = A.RandomSunFlare(
src_color=(255, 255, 255),

result_img = aug(image=result_img)['image']



For pixel-level image augmentations, we recommend overlaying the background image first, then applying image augmentation transformations. This way, you won't lose background information and avoid messy spots.


This concludes the introduction to this project. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you're unsure how to implement a specific operation, feel free to leave a comment as well, and we will do our best to assist you.

Happy using!