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[19.11] MQA

Shared Key-Value Mechanism

Fast Transformer Decoding: One Write-Head is All You Need

In the age of the sharing economy, it seems that sharing can also be applied to the attention mechanism. This paper is authored by Noam Shazeer, one of the co-authors of the landmark paper "Attention is All You Need."

Problem Definition

In this paper, the author points out that in the conventional attention mechanism, during the decoding process, each position computes over all key-value pairs. This results in a lot of redundant computations, especially due to the autoregressive nature of the output, where every step involves recalculating previous results.

The author identifies this as an inefficiency that can be optimized.

Revisiting the Attention Mechanism

To understand how the author improves this inefficiency, we first need to revisit the original attention mechanism.


Throughout this section, we’ll use the einsum operator extensively to represent matrix operations. If you're not familiar with this operator, you can refer to this article:

In this paper, the author uses tf.einsum. If you're more familiar with PyTorch, you can simply replace it with torch.einsum.

Let’s assume you're already proficient with the einsum operator now.


Mathematical Warning: The following sections contain detailed matrix operations. If you're not interested in the specifics, feel free to skip ahead to the conclusion:

Dot-Product Attention

We start with the dot-product attention mechanism, which deals with a single query vector and a set of key-value pairs.

def DotProductAttention(q, K, V):
Dot-Product Attention on one query.
q: A vector of shape [k] (query)
K: A matrix of shape [m, k] (keys)
V: A matrix of shape [m, v] (values)

y: A vector of shape [v] (output)
# Compute dot-product between query q and key matrix K, resulting in logits of shape [m]
logits = tf.einsum("k,mk->m", q, K)

# Apply softmax to logits to get the weights for each key, resulting in weights of shape [m]
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

# Use the weights to compute a weighted sum of the value matrix V, resulting in output vector y of shape [v]
y = tf.einsum("m,mv->v", weights, V)

return y

This is the classic dot-product attention mechanism. It computes the similarity between the query and keys using a dot product and then applies those similarities as weights to the values, producing the final output.

Multi-head Attention

Next, we look at multi-head attention, which combines several dot-product attention mechanisms to improve model performance.

In the function below, the parameter meanings are as follows:

  • dd: The dimensionality of the query vector
  • mm: The number of key-value pairs
  • hh: The number of attention heads
  • kk: The dimensionality of the linear projection for queries and keys
  • vv: The dimensionality of the linear projection for values
import tensorflow as tf

def MultiheadAttention(x, M, P_q, P_k, P_v, P_o):
Multi-head Attention on one query.

x: A vector of shape [d], representing the query
M: A matrix of shape [m, d], representing keys and values
P_q: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the linear projection for queries
P_k: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the linear projection for keys
P_v: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the linear projection for values
P_o: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the linear projection for output

y: A vector of shape [d], representing the final output

# Linear projection of query x, resulting in shape [h, k]
q = tf.einsum("d, hdk->hk", x, P_q)

# Linear projection of keys and values in M
# K is of shape [h, m, k], and V is of shape [h, m, v]
K = tf.einsum("md, hdk->hmk", M, P_k)
V = tf.einsum("md, hdv->hmv", M, P_v)

# Compute logits as dot-product between query and key, resulting in shape [h, m]
logits = tf.einsum("hk, hmk->hm", q, K)

# Apply softmax to compute attention weights, resulting in shape [h, m]
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

# Use weights to compute a weighted sum of values, resulting in shape [h, v]
o = tf.einsum("hm, hmv->hv", weights, V)

# Linear projection and combination of multi-head output, resulting in final output vector of shape [d]
y = tf.einsum("hv, hdv->d", o, P_o)

return y

Batched Multi-head Attention

We can extend this further to handle batched inputs, which is typical in training scenarios.

import tensorflow as tf

def MultiheadAttentionBatched(X, M, mask, P_q, P_k, P_v, P_o):
Multi-head Attention for batched inputs.

X: A tensor of shape [b, n, d], representing query vectors (batch size b, sequence length n, vector dimension d)
M: A tensor of shape [b, m, d], representing keys and values (number of key-value pairs m)
mask: A tensor of shape [b, h, n, m], used to mask out invalid attention positions
P_q: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the linear projection for queries
P_k: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the linear projection for keys
P_v: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the linear projection for values
P_o: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the linear projection for output

Y: A tensor of shape [b, n, d], representing the final output

# Linear projection of query vectors X, resulting in shape [b, h, n, k]
Q = tf.einsum("bnd, hdk->bhnk", X, P_q)

# Linear projection of keys and values in M, with keys K of shape [b, h, m, k] and values V of shape [b, h, m, v]
K = tf.einsum("bmd, hdk->bhmk", M, P_k)
V = tf.einsum("bmd, hdv->bhmv", M, P_v)

# Compute dot-product between query and key (logits), resulting in shape [b, h, n, m]
logits = tf.einsum("bhnk, bhmk->bhnm", Q, K)

# Apply mask and softmax to compute attention weights, resulting in shape [b, h, n, m]
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits + mask)

# Use weights to compute a weighted sum of values, resulting in shape [b, h, n, v]
O = tf.einsum("bhnm, bhmv->bhnv", weights, V)

# Linear projection and combination of multi-head output, resulting in final output tensor of shape [b, n, d]
Y = tf.einsum("bhnv, hdv->bnd", O, P_o)

return Y

At this point, the author simplifies the assumptions for calculations and memory access:

  1. m=nm = n: The number of key-value pairs mm is assumed to be equal to the sequence length nn.
  2. k=v=dhk = v = \frac{d}{h}: According to the Transformer paper, the dimension of the query and key kk is set equal to the dimension of the value vv, and both are proportional to the feature dimension dd, with the number of heads hh as the factor.
  3. ndn ≤ d: The sequence length nn is assumed to be less than or equal to the feature dimension dd.

Based on these assumptions, the total computation complexity is Θ(bnd2)Θ(bnd^2), where bb is the batch size, nn is the sequence length, and dd is the feature dimension. This comes from the fact that each tf.einsum operation has a complexity of O(bnd2)O(bnd^2).


For example, if we have 1000 sequences, each with a length of 100 and a vector dimension of 512, the computation will be roughly 1000×100×51221000 \times 100 \times 512^2.

For memory access, the total size of memory accessed is O(bnd+bhn2+d2)O(bnd + bhn^2 + d^2):

  • The first term bndbnd comes from the input XX, the key-value matrix MM, the query QQ, key KK, value VV, output OO, and the final output YY.

  • The second term bhn2bhn^2 comes from the logits and attention weights.

  • The third term d2d^2 comes from the projection tensors PqP_q, PkP_k, PvP_v, and PoP_o.

The ratio of memory access to computation is:

O(1k+1bn)O\left(\frac{1}{k} + \frac{1}{bn}\right)

The lower this ratio, the better performance on modern GPU/TPU hardware, which has significantly more computation power than memory bandwidth.

Incremental Multi-head Attention

Another variant is incremental multi-head attention, used in autoregressive generation.

import tensorflow as tf

def MultiheadSelfAttentionIncremental(x, prev_K, prev_V, P_q, P_k, P_v, P_o):
Multi-head Self-Attention for one step in incremental generation.

x: A tensor of shape [b, d], representing the current query vector
prev_K: A tensor of shape [b, h, m, k], representing the previous key matrix
prev_V: A tensor of shape [b, h, m, v], representing the previous value matrix
P_q: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the query projection matrix
P_k: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the key projection matrix
P_v: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the value projection matrix
P_o: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the output projection matrix

y: A tensor of shape [b, d], representing the current step output
new_K: A tensor of shape [b, h, m+1, k], representing the updated key matrix
new_V: A tensor of shape [b, h, m+1, v], representing the updated value matrix

# Linear projection of query vector x, resulting in shape [b, h, k]
q = tf.einsum("bd, hdk->bhk", x, P_q)

# Update the key matrix by appending the new key vector to the previous key matrix, resulting in shape [b, h, m+1, k]
new_K = tf.concat(
[prev_K, tf.expand_dims(tf.einsum("bd, hdk->bhk", x, P_k), axis=2)],

# Update the value matrix by appending the new value vector to the previous value matrix, resulting in shape [b, h, m+1, v]
new_V = tf.concat(
[prev_V, tf.expand_dims(tf.einsum("bd, hdv->bhv", x, P_v), axis=2)],

# Compute logits as dot-product between query and key, resulting in shape [b, h, m]
logits = tf.einsum("bhk, bhmk->bhm", q, new_K)

# Compute attention weights using softmax, resulting in shape [b, h, m]
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

# Compute weighted sum of values, resulting in shape [b, h, v]
o = tf.einsum("bhm, bhmv->bhv", weights, new_V)

# Linear projection and combination of multi-head output, resulting in shape [b, d]
y = tf.einsum("bhv, hdv->bd", o, P_o)

return y, new_K, new_V

The author continues to use the simplified assumptions and evaluates the performance for incremental inference.

In this context, the total computation complexity is still Θ(bnd2)\Theta(bnd^2), where bb is the batch size, nn is the sequence length, and dd is the feature dimension.

The total memory access is Θ(bn2d+nd2)\Theta(bn^2d + nd^2):

  • The first term bn2dbn^2d comes from reloading the key KK and value VV at every step, as these tensors grow with the sequence length nn.
  • The second term nd2nd^2 comes from the linear projection matrices PqP_q, PkP_k, PvP_v, and PoP_o.

The ratio of memory access to computation becomes:

Θ(nd+1b)\Theta\left(\frac{n}{d} + \frac{1}{b}\right)

When ndn ≈ d or b1b ≈ 1, this ratio approaches 1, indicating that memory bandwidth becomes the main bottleneck on modern hardware.

A straightforward optimization strategy is to increase the batch size, which reduces the memory access-to-computation ratio.

Another approach is to reduce the nd\frac{n}{d} ratio, which is more challenging since it involves reloading the key and value tensors at every step. Techniques include limiting the sequence length nn or computing attention only within a local window, reducing the number of positions to attend to.


To reduce the size of the key and value tensors, the author proposes removing the "head" dimension from the keys and values while retaining the multi-head structure for queries, reducing memory usage and improving efficiency.

Multi-Query Attention

Multi-Query Attention is a variant of Multi-Head Attention. In traditional multi-head attention, each head has its own set of queries, keys, values, and outputs. In multi-query attention, however, all heads share a single set of keys and values, while only the queries maintain the multi-head structure. This reduces memory usage and improves inference speed.

def MultiQueryAttentionBatched(X, M, mask, P_q, P_k, P_v, P_o):
Multi-Query Attention for batched inputs.

X: A tensor of shape [b, n, d], representing the query vectors
M: A tensor of shape [b, m, d], representing the key-value matrix
mask: A tensor of shape [b, h, n, m], used to mask invalid positions
P_q: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the query projection matrix
P_k: A tensor of shape [d, k], representing the key projection matrix
P_v: A tensor of shape [d, v], representing the value projection matrix
P_o: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the output projection matrix

Y: A tensor of shape [b, n, d], representing the final output

# Linear projection of query vectors X, resulting in shape [b, h, n, k]
Q = tf.einsum("bnd, hdk->bhnk", X, P_q)

# Linear projection of keys and values, with keys K of shape [b, m, k] and values V of shape [b, m, v]
K = tf.einsum("bmd, dk->bmk", M, P_k)
V = tf.einsum("bmd, dv->bmv", M, P_v)

# Compute dot-product between query and key, resulting in shape [b, h, n, m]
logits = tf.einsum("bhnk, bmk->bhnm", Q, K)

# Apply softmax to compute attention weights, considering the mask, resulting in shape [b, h, n, m]
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits + mask)

# Compute weighted sum of values, resulting in shape [b, h, n, v]
O = tf.einsum("bhnm, bmv->bhnv", weights, V)

# Final linear projection and combination of outputs, resulting in shape [b, n, d]
Y = tf.einsum("bhnv, hdv->bnd", O, P_o)

return Y

The author also provides an implementation for Incremental Multi-Query Self-Attention:

def MultiQuerySelfAttentionIncremental(x, prev_K, prev_V, P_q, P_k, P_v, P_o):
Incremental Multi-Query Self-Attention for one step.

x: A tensor of shape [b, d], representing the current query vector
prev_K: A tensor of shape [b, m, k], representing the previous key matrix
prev_V: A tensor of shape [b, m, v], representing the previous value matrix
P_q: A tensor of shape [h, d, k], representing the query projection
P_k: A tensor of shape [d, k], representing the key projection
P_v: A tensor of shape [d, v], representing the value projection
P_o: A tensor of shape [h, d, v], representing the output projection

y: A tensor of shape [b, d], representing the output
new_K: Updated key matrix, shape [b, m+1, k]
new_V: Updated value matrix, shape [b, m+1, v]

# Linear projection of query vector, resulting in shape [b, h, k]
q = tf.einsum("bd, hdk->bhk", x, P_q)

# Update key and value matrices
new_K = tf.concat([prev_K, tf.expand_dims(tf.einsum("bd, dk->bk", x, P_k), axis=2)], axis=2)
new_V = tf.concat([prev_V, tf.expand_dims(tf.einsum("bd, dv->bv", x, P_v), axis=2)], axis=2)

# Compute dot-product between query and key, resulting in shape [b, h, m]
logits = tf.einsum("bhk, bmk->bhm", q, new_K)

# Compute softmax weights
weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

# Compute weighted sum of values
o = tf.einsum("bhm, bmv->bhv", weights, new_V)

# Linear projection and combination of outputs
y = tf.einsum("bhv, hdv->bd", o, P_o)

return y, new_K, new_V

Performance Analysis

Just like traditional multi-head attention, the computational complexity in incremental multi-query attention remains Θ(bnd2)\Theta(bnd^2), but the memory access is now Θ(bnd+bn2k+nd2)\Theta(bnd + bn^2k + nd^2).

By removing the "head" dimension from keys and values, memory consumption is greatly reduced while computational efficiency is significantly improved.


For example, if the number of heads h=8h = 8 and the key dimension k=dh=5128=64k = \frac{d}{h} = \frac{512}{8} = 64, the memory consumption is reduced compared to traditional multi-head attention, where the access is Θ(bnd+bhn2+d2)\Theta(bnd + bhn^2 + d^2), including a term dependent on the number of heads hh.

The ratio of memory access to computation becomes:

Θ(1d+ndh+1b)\Theta\left(\frac{1}{d} + \frac{n}{dh} + \frac{1}{b}\right)

Since the nd\frac{n}{d} term is now reduced by a factor of hh, the performance of incremental inference improves significantly.

  • Traditional Multi-Head Attention Ratio: Θ(nd+1b)\Theta\left(\frac{n}{d} + \frac{1}{b}\right)

    In traditional multi-head attention, the ratio of memory access to computation is influenced by the sequence length nn and the feature dimension dd. When the sequence length approaches the feature dimension, this ratio nears 1, meaning memory access becomes the bottleneck for performance.

  • Multi-Query Attention Ratio: Θ(1d+ndh+1b)\Theta\left(\frac{1}{d} + \frac{n}{dh} + \frac{1}{b}\right)

    By reducing the dimensions of the keys and values, the nd\frac{n}{d} term is reduced by a factor of hh. For example, with h=8h = 8, the memory access is significantly lower, resulting in faster inference.

Suppose you're working with a language model that processes a batch of b=128b = 128 sequences, each with 100 tokens (sequence length n=100n = 100) and each token having a vector dimension of d=512d = 512.

For traditional multi-head attention, the "memory access-to-computation ratio" might be:

nd+1b=100512+11280.195+0.0078=0.2028\frac{n}{d} + \frac{1}{b} = \frac{100}{512} + \frac{1}{128} \approx 0.195 + 0.0078 = 0.2028

For multi-query attention, assuming h=8h = 8, this ratio becomes:

1d+ndh+1b\frac{1}{d} + \frac{n}{dh} + \frac{1}{b} =1512+100512×8+1128= \frac{1}{512} + \frac{100}{512 \times 8} + \frac{1}{128} 0.00195+0.0244+0.0078=0.03415\approx 0.00195 + 0.0244 + 0.0078 = 0.03415

As seen, multi-query attention effectively reduces the memory access-to-computation ratio, significantly improving inference efficiency.

Training Strategy

The author evaluates the approach using the WMT 2014 English-to-German translation task.

They use a 6-layer encoder-decoder Transformer model with the following configuration:

  • dmodel=1024d_{model} = 1024
  • dff=4096d_{ff} = 4096
  • Number of heads h=8h = 8
  • dk=dv=128d_k = d_v = 128 with learned positional embeddings, and weight sharing between the token embedding layer and the output layer.

Training is done for 100,000 steps (20 epochs), with each batch containing 128 samples, each with an input sequence of 256 tokens and a target sequence of 256 tokens. The model is trained on a 32-core TPUv3 pod, with training taking approximately 2 hours per model.

In the multi-query attention model (MQA), the author replaces all the attention layers with multi-query attention and increases the hidden dimension of the feed-forward layers from 4096 to 5440 to maintain the total number of parameters as the baseline model.


WMT14 EN-DE Results


The author reports perplexity per subword token. The multi-query attention model performs "slightly worse" than the baseline but outperforms other variants that reduce hh, dkd_k, and dvd_v.

Inference Time Improvements

Inference Time

In terms of training speed, tested on TPUv2 (8 cores) for each training step processing 32,768 tokens:

  • Baseline model: Each training step takes 433ms.
  • Multi-query model: Each training step takes 425ms, slightly faster than the baseline.

The per-token training time is:

  • Baseline model:

    43332,768=13.2μs\frac{433}{32,768} = 13.2\mu s
  • MQA model:

    42532,768=13.0μs\frac{425}{32,768} = 13.0\mu s

In the case of autoregressive generation, tested with 1024 sequences (each with 128 tokens, with each TPU core processing 128 sequences), the speed of incremental greedy decoding was measured:

  • Baseline model:

    • The encoder took 222ms, which translates to 1.7µs per token.
    • The decoder took 47ms per step, translating to 46µs per token.
  • MQA model:

    • The encoder took 195ms, translating to 1.5µs per token.
    • The decoder took 3.9ms per step, translating to 3.8µs per token, significantly faster than the baseline.


Fast and efficient!

With almost no accuracy loss, the inference speed, especially in autoregressive models, improved by about 10x!


This architecture was later adopted in MobileNet V4. Interested readers can check out the following article: