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Before you begin installing DocsaidKit, ensure your system meets the following requirements:


Python Version

  • Ensure that Python 3.8 or above is installed on your system.

Dependency Packages

Install the required dependency packages according to your operating system.

  • Ubuntu

    Open the terminal and run the following command to install the dependencies:

    sudo apt install libturbojpeg exiftool ffmpeg libheif-dev
  • MacOS

    Use brew to install the dependencies:

    brew install jpeg-turbo exiftool ffmpeg libheif

pdf2image Dependencies

pdf2image is a Python module for converting PDF documents into images.

Follow the instructions below to install the necessary dependencies based on your operating system:

  • For detailed installation instructions, refer to the open-source project pdf2image.

  • MacOS: Mac users need to install poppler. Install it via Brew:

    brew install poppler
  • Linux: Most Linux distributions come with pdftoppm and pdftocairo pre-installed.

    If not installed, use your package manager to install poppler-utils.

    sudo apt install poppler-utils

Package Installation

Once the prerequisites are met, you can proceed with the installation via git clone:

  1. Download the package:

    git clone
  2. Install the wheel package:

    pip install wheel
  3. Build the wheel file:

    cd DocsaidKit
    python bdist_wheel
  4. Install the built wheel package:

    pip install dist/docsaidkit-*-py3-none-any.whl

    If you need to install the version supporting PyTorch:

    pip install "dist/docsaidKit-${version}-none-any.whl[torch]"

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is Windows not supported?

    To avoid potential issues, we recommend avoiding Windows.

  2. I insist on using Windows, what should I do?

    In that case, we recommend installing Docker and using the above method to run your program within a Docker container.

    Please refer to the next section: Advanced Installation.

  3. How do I install Docker?

    It's not difficult, but it involves several steps.

    Refer to the Docker official documentation for installation instructions.