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imrotate90(img: np.ndarray, rotate_code: ROTATE) -> np.ndarray

  • Description: Rotate the input image by 90 degrees.

  • Parameters:

    • img (np.ndarray): Input image to be rotated.
    • rotate_code (RotateCode): Rotation code. Available options are:
      • ROTATE.ROTATE_90: 90 degrees.
      • ROTATE.ROTATE_180: 180 degrees.
      • ROTATE.ROTATE_270: 90 degrees counterclockwise.
  • Returns:

    • np.ndarray: Rotated image.
  • Example:

    import docsaidkit as D

    img = D.imread('lena.png')
    rotate_img = D.imrotate90(img, D.ROTATE.ROTATE_270)
