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gen_md5(file: Union[str, Path], block_size: int = 256 * 128) -> str

  • Description: Generates an MD5 hash based on the given file. This function is designed to facilitate accessing a large number of files without the need for manual naming. MD5 hashing is used for this purpose.

  • Parameters:

    • file (Union[str, Path]): The file name or path.
    • block_size (int): The size of each block read. Default is 256*128.
  • Returns:

    • str: The MD5 hash.
  • Example:

    import docsaidkit as D

    file = '/path/to/your/file'
    md5 = D.gen_md5(file)
    # >>> 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'