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gen_download_cmd(file_id: str, target: str) -> str

  • Description: Generates a command to download a file from Google Drive.

  • Parameters:

    • file_id (str): The ID of the file.
    • target (str): The target path to download the file.
  • Example:

    import docsaidkit as D

    file_id = '1c1b9b1b0cdcwfjowief'
    target = 'example.txt'
    cmd = D.gen_download_cmd(file_id, target)
    # >>> wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget
    # >>> --quiet
    # >>> --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt
    # >>> --keep-session-cookies
    # >>> --no-check-certificate ''
    # >>> -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1c1b9b1b0cdcwfjowief" -O example.txt && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt


download_from_docsaid(file_id: str, file_name: str, target: str) -> None

  • Description: Downloads data from Docsaid's private cloud.

  • Parameters:

    • file_id (str): The file ID.
    • file_name (str): The file name.
    • target (str): The target path for downloading the file.
  • Example:

    import docsaidkit as D

    file_id = 'c1b9b1b0cdcwfjowief'
    file_name = 'example.txt'
    target = 'example.txt'
    D.download_from_docsaid(file_id, file_name, target)