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This tool is designed to fetch system information. It can help you retrieve information about your CPU, memory, disk, network, and more.


get_package_versions() -> dict

  • Description: Fetches the versions of commonly used deep learning and data analysis packages. This includes version information for packages like PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, OpenCV, etc.

  • Returns

    • dict: A dictionary containing the version information of installed packages.
  • Example

    import docsaidkit as D

    versions_info = D.get_package_versions()
    # versions_info = {
    # 'PyTorch Version': '1.9.0',
    # 'PyTorch Lightning Version': '1.3.8',
    # 'TensorFlow Version': '2.5.0',
    # 'Keras Version': '2.4.3',
    # 'NumPy Version': '1.19.5',
    # 'Pandas Version': '1.1.5',
    # 'Scikit-learn Version': '0.24.2',
    # 'OpenCV Version': '4.5.2'
    # }


get_gpu_cuda_versions() -> dict

  • Description: Retrieves GPU and CUDA version information. Attempts to fetch CUDA versions using packages like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and CuPy, and uses the nvidia-smi command to get Nvidia driver versions.

  • Returns

    • dict: A dictionary containing CUDA and GPU driver version information.
  • Example

    import docsaidkit as D

    gpu_cuda_info = D.get_gpu_cuda_versions()
    # gpu_cuda_info = {
    # 'CUDA Version': '11.1',
    # 'NVIDIA Driver Version': '460.32.03'
    # }


get_cpu_info() -> str

  • Description: Retrieves the CPU model name based on the platform.

  • Returns

    • str: CPU model name, or "N/A" if not found.
  • Example

    import docsaidkit as D

    cpu_info = D.get_cpu_info()
    # cpu_info = 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz'


get_system_info() -> dict

  • Description: Retrieves comprehensive system information, including OS version, CPU details, memory, disk usage, and more.

  • Returns

    • dict: A dictionary containing detailed system information.
  • Example

    import docsaidkit as D

    system_info = D.get_system_info()
    # system_info = {
    # 'OS Version': 'Linux-5.4.0-80-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29',
    # 'CPU Model': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz',
    # 'Physical CPU Cores': 6,
    # 'Logical CPU Cores (incl. hyper-threading)': 12,
    # 'Total RAM (GB)': 15.52,
    # 'Available RAM (GB)': 7.52,
    # 'Disk Total (GB)': 476.94,
    # 'Disk Used (GB)': 18.94,
    # 'Disk Free (GB)': 458.0,
    # 'GPU Info': 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti',