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PowerDict(d=None, **kwargs)

  • Description: This class is designed to create a dictionary with freezing and unfreezing capabilities, and allows accessing its properties through dot notation.

  • Attributes

    • is_frozen (bool): Determines whether the dictionary is frozen.
  • Methods

    • freeze(): Freezes the dictionary.
    • melt(): Unfreezes the dictionary.
    • to_dict(): Converts the dictionary to a standard dictionary.
    • to_json(path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: Writes the dictionary to a JSON file.
    • to_yaml(path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: Writes the dictionary to a YAML file.
    • to_txt(path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: Writes the dictionary to a text file.
    • to_pickle(path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: Writes the dictionary to a pickle file.
  • Class Methods

    • load_json(path: Union[str, Path]) -> PowerDict: Loads a dictionary from a JSON file.
    • load_pickle(path: Union[str, Path]) -> PowerDict: Loads a dictionary from a pickle file.
    • load_yaml(path: Union[str, Path]) -> PowerDict: Loads a dictionary from a YAML file.
  • Parameters

    • d (dict): The dictionary to convert. Default is None.
  • Example

    from docsaidkit import PowerDict

    d = {'key': 'value'}
    cfg = PowerDict(d)
    # >>> 'value'