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draw_ocr_infos(img: np.ndarray, texts: List[str], polygons: Polygons, colors: tuple = None, concat_axis: int = 1, thicknesses: int = 2, font_path: str = None) -> np.ndarray

  • Description

    Draw OCR (Optical Character Recognition) results on an image.

  • Parameters

    • img (np.ndarray): The image to draw on.
    • texts (List[str]): List of detected text strings.
    • polygons (D.Polygons): List of polygons representing the detected text boundaries.
    • colors (tuple): RGB values of the colors to draw. If not provided, a unique color is generated for each text based on a fixed logic.
    • concat_axis (int): The axis used to concatenate the original image and the annotated image. Defaults to 1 (horizontal).
    • thicknesses (int): The thickness of the polygons to draw. Defaults to 2.
    • font_path (str): Path to the font file to use. If not provided, the default font "NotoSansMonoCJKtc-VF.ttf" is used.
  • Returns

    • np.ndarray: The image concatenated with the annotated image.
  • Example

    import docsaidkit as D

    img = D.imread('lena.png')
    texts = ['Hello!', 'Test!']
    polygons = [
    D.Polygon([(20, 20), (100, 20), (80, 80), (20, 40)]),
    D.Polygon([(100, 200), (20, 200), (40, 140), (100, 180)])
    ocr_img = D.draw_ocr_infos(img, texts, polygons, concat_axis=1, thicknesses=2)
