📄️ Base64 Process
pybase64 is a Python library that provides Base64 encoding and decoding functionalities. It supports various encoding formats, including standard Base64, Base64 URL, and Base64 URL file name safe encoding. pybase64 is an enhanced version of the base64 module, offering more features and options.
📄️ imdecode
imdecode(byte\_: bytes) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]
📄️ imencode
imencode(img Union[str, int, IMGTYP] = IMGTYP.JPEG) -> Union[bytes, None]
📄️ imread
imread(path str = 'BGR', verbose: bool = False) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]
📄️ imwrite
imwrite(img Union[str, Path] = None, color_base str = '.jpg') -> bool
📄️ JPG Process
getorientationcode(stream: Union[str, Path, bytes]) -> Union[ROTATE, None]
📄️ npyread
npyread(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]
📄️ pdf2imgs
pdf2imgs(stream: Union[str, Path, bytes]) -> Union[List[np.ndarray], None]
📄️ PNG Process