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imcvtcolor(img: np.ndarray, cvt_mode: Union[int, str]) -> np.ndarray

  • Description: Converts the input image to a different color space.

  • Parameters

    • img (np.ndarray): The input image to be converted.
    • cvt_mode (Union[int, str]): The color conversion mode. It can be an integer constant representing the conversion code or a string representing an OpenCV color conversion name. For example, BGR2GRAY is used to convert a BGR image to grayscale. For available options, refer to the OpenCV COLOR documentation.
  • Returns

    • np.ndarray: The image in the desired color space.
  • Example

    import capybara as cb

    img = cb.imread('lena.png')
    ycrcb_img = cb.imcvtcolor(img, 'BGR2YCrCb')


    import capybara as cb

    img = cb.imread('lena.png')
    gray_img = cb.imcvtcolor(img, 'BGR2GRAY')
