When a model's training goes awry, we always want to know the reasons behind it. At such times, it's essential to inspect the environment information of the training host, such as Python version, PyTorch version, CUDA version, GPU information, CPU information, RAM information, disk information, IP address, and more.
In this article, we share a custom Python tool we've crafted to swiftly review this information. While it's not exhaustive, it should suffice for basic troubleshooting needs.
Typically, we record environment information in the training host's logs at the start of training.
Let's start by installing the necessary packages:
pip install psutil requests
The complete code is available on GitHub, and we've also included it at the end of this article.
Assuming you have installed capybara
and it's already in your project, you can test it with the following command:
from capybara import get_package_versions
Upon execution, you'll receive the following result:
"PyTorch Version": "2.1.1+cu121",
"PyTorch Lightning Version": "2.1.2",
"TensorFlow Error": "No module named 'tensorflow'",
"Keras Error": "No module named 'keras'",
"NumPy Version": "1.24.4",
"Pandas Version": "2.0.3",
"Scikit-learn Version": "1.3.2",
"OpenCV Version": "4.8.1"
- PyTorch Version: PyTorch version
- PyTorch Lightning Version: PyTorch Lightning version
- TensorFlow Error: TensorFlow version
- Keras Error: Keras version
- NumPy Version: NumPy version
- Pandas Version: Pandas version
- Scikit-learn Version: Scikit-learn version
- OpenCV Version: OpenCV version
Test program:
from capybara import get_gpu_cuda_versions
Upon execution, you'll receive the following result:
"CUDA Version": "12.1",
"NVIDIA Driver Version": "535.129.03"
- CUDA Version: CUDA version
- NVIDIA Driver Version: NVIDIA driver version
Test program:
from capybara import get_system_info
Upon execution, you'll receive the following result:
"OS Version": "Linux-6.2.0-37-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.34",
"CPU Model": "13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K",
"Physical CPU Cores": 24,
"Logical CPU Cores (incl. hyper-threading)": 32,
"Total RAM (GB)": 125.56,
"Available RAM (GB)": 110.9,
"Disk Total (GB)": 1832.21,
"Disk Used (GB)": 188.94,
"Disk Free (GB)": 1550.12,
"GPU Info": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090",
"IPV4 Address": ["192.168.---.---"],
"IPV4 Address (External)": "---.---.---.---",
"MAC Address": ["--.--.--.--.--.--"]
- OS Version: Operating system version
- CPU Model: CPU model
- Physical CPU Cores: Number of physical CPU cores
- Logical CPU Cores (incl. hyper-threading): Number of logical CPU cores (including hyper-threading)
- Total RAM (GB): Total RAM capacity (GB)
- Available RAM (GB): Available RAM capacity (GB)
- Disk Total (GB): Total disk capacity (GB)
- Disk Used (GB): Used disk capacity (GB)
- Disk Free (GB): Free disk capacity (GB)
- GPU Info: GPU information
- IPV4 Address: Internal IPV4 address
- IPV4 Address (External): External IPV4 address
- MAC Address: MAC address
Considerations and Alternatives
Since we're writing this function on Ubuntu, there might be unexpected developments on other operating systems.
Here are a few points to note:
- Due to OS limitations, some functions may not run on all platforms. For example,
won't display the complete CPU model on Windows. In such cases, consider using other tools or manually obtaining this information. - If you're on Windows, you can't directly use
to get GPU information. Make sure you have NVIDIA drivers and related tools installed and execute it in a command prompt window. - External IP address is fetched from
, so ensure an active internet connection.
import platform
import socket
import subprocess
import psutil
import requests
def get_package_versions():
Get versions of commonly used packages in deep learning and data science.
dict: Dictionary containing versions of installed packages.
versions_info = {}
# PyTorch
import torch
versions_info["PyTorch Version"] = torch.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["PyTorch Error"] = str(e)
# PyTorch Lightning
import pytorch_lightning as pl
versions_info["PyTorch Lightning Version"] = pl.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["PyTorch Lightning Error"] = str(e)
# TensorFlow
import tensorflow as tf
versions_info["TensorFlow Version"] = tf.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["TensorFlow Error"] = str(e)
# Keras
import keras
versions_info["Keras Version"] = keras.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["Keras Error"] = str(e)
# NumPy
import numpy as np
versions_info["NumPy Version"] = np.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["NumPy Error"] = str(e)
# Pandas
import pandas as pd
versions_info["Pandas Version"] = pd.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["Pandas Error"] = str(e)
# Scikit-learn
import sklearn
versions_info["Scikit-learn Version"] = sklearn.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["Scikit-learn Error"] = str(e)
# OpenCV
import cv2
versions_info["OpenCV Version"] = cv2.__version__
except Exception as e:
versions_info["OpenCV Error"] = str(e)
# ... and so on for any other packages you"re interested in
return versions_info
def get_gpu_cuda_versions():
Get GPU and CUDA versions using popular Python libraries.
dict: Dictionary containing CUDA and GPU driver versions.
cuda_version = None
# Attempt to retrieve CUDA version using PyTorch
import torch
cuda_version = torch.version.cuda
except ImportError:
# If not retrieved via PyTorch, try using TensorFlow
if not cuda_version:
import tensorflow as tf
cuda_version = tf.version.COMPILER_VERSION
except ImportError:
# If still not retrieved, try using CuPy
if not cuda_version:
import cupy
cuda_version = cupy.cuda.runtime.runtimeGetVersion()
except ImportError:
cuda_version = "Error: None of PyTorch, TensorFlow, or CuPy are installed."
# Try to get Nvidia driver version using nvidia-smi command
smi_output = subprocess.check_output([
nvidia_driver_version = smi_output.split("\n")[0]
except Exception as e:
nvidia_driver_version = f"Error getting NVIDIA driver version: {e}"
return {
"CUDA Version": cuda_version,
"NVIDIA Driver Version": nvidia_driver_version
def get_cpu_info():
Retrieve the CPU model name based on the platform.
str: CPU model name or "N/A" if not found.
if platform.system() == "Windows":
return platform.processor()
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
# For macOS
command = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
return subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip().decode()
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
# For Linux
command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | uniq"
return subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip().decode().split(":")[1].strip()
return "N/A"
def get_external_ip():
response = requests.get("https://httpbin.org/ip")
return response.json()["origin"]
except Exception as e:
return f"Error obtaining IP: {e}"
def get_system_info():
Fetch system information like OS version, CPU info, RAM, Disk usage, etc.
dict: Dictionary containing system information.
info = {
"OS Version": platform.platform(),
"CPU Model": get_cpu_info(),
"Physical CPU Cores": psutil.cpu_count(logical=False),
"Logical CPU Cores (incl. hyper-threading)": psutil.cpu_count(logical=True),
"Total RAM (GB)": round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024 ** 3), 2),
"Available RAM (GB)": round(psutil.virtual_memory().available / (1024 ** 3), 2),
"Disk Total (GB)": round(psutil.disk_usage("/").total / (1024 ** 3), 2),
"Disk Used (GB)": round(psutil.disk_usage("/").used / (1024 ** 3), 2),
"Disk Free (GB)": round(psutil.disk_usage("/").free / (1024 ** 3), 2)
# Try to fetch GPU information using nvidia-smi command
gpu_info = subprocess.check_output(
["nvidia-smi", "--query-gpu=name", "--format=csv,noheader,nounits"]
info["GPU Info"] = gpu_info
except Exception:
info["GPU Info"] = "N/A or Error"
# Get network information
addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs()
info["IPV4 Address"] = [
addr.address for addr in addrs.get("enp5s0", []) if addr.family == socket.AF_INET
info["IPV4 Address (External)"] = get_external_ip()
# Determine platform and choose correct address family for MAC
if hasattr(socket, "AF_LINK"):
AF_LINK = socket.AF_LINK
elif hasattr(psutil, "AF_LINK"):
AF_LINK = psutil.AF_LINK
raise Exception(
"Cannot determine the correct AF_LINK value for this platform.")
info["MAC Address"] = [
addr.address for addr in addrs.get("enp5s0", []) if addr.family == AF_LINK
return info