About Us
Welcome to my website!
I’m Z. Yuan, an AI engineer based in Taiwan.
👨💻 Are you an engineer?
I enjoy solving real-world problems using scientific knowledge, and I find great joy in the process.
A few years ago, people working with images would call themselves "Computer Vision Engineers," while those handling text identified as "Natural Language Engineers." There were even distinctions like "Machine Learning Engineer" and "Deep Learning Engineer." Within teams, there might have even been hierarchies tied to these titles.
But no matter who they were, they all looked down on "AI Engineers":
"Ugh, just another title-hunting company/job opening/applicant without a clue!"
Times have changed, and we’re now stunned to see that information from various dimensions—text, images, and audio—has been unified in high-dimensional space under the wave of "foundation models." These advances have ushered in a new era of "multi-modal" training paradigms, becoming the go-to solution for climbing leaderboards, publishing papers, and scoring benchmarks.
Only now have people realized that all these engineers are essentially doing the same thing—just in different dimensions.
Very quickly, no one in this field bothers to separate engineers by type anymore. Academic research has become cross-disciplinary, and researchers now need a bit of knowledge from every domain to make progress. Consequently, it’s become harder to define what exactly we are.
Looking back now, it all boils down to this:
Yes, that's right! AI Engineer!
💡 What is this?
While browsing one day, I stumbled upon Meta’s open-source tool Docusaurus and found it quite feature-rich.
I thought, why not use it to start a blog? So, I began by deploying the website on GitHub Pages and started writing articles.
As I wrote, I thought about launching some open-source projects, so I added project introductions. Then, I felt Docusaurus' native functionality wasn’t enough, so I started writing plugins, creating technical notes, and eventually shaping the website into what it is today.
That said, as I kept tinkering and expanding, this site is now nearing GitHub Pages' storage limit. I’ll probably need to migrate it elsewhere soon... (Life’s tough. 😮💨)
🚀 The Origin of the Website's Name
Naming a website is the hardest challenge for me.
Text analysis is my daily work, covering everything from image text recognition, fraud detection in images, topic classification, and keyword extraction. In my view, text is not limited to written words—it can be a picture, a video, a song, a dataset, or even someone’s behavior. As long as something has analytical value, or we’re willing to analyze it, I believe everything can be text (chaotic neutral, perhaps?).
So, I wanted to name this website in a way that resonates with the field, and I chose DOCSAID.
This name combines "DOC" and "SAID," signifying:
The moment a text is created, it has already said what it wants to express.
So, what is the text trying to convey? All we need to do is analyze it!
Interestingly, after finalizing this name, I noticed it contains the letters "AI"—a delightful coincidence.
💻 About the Website Design
Stop calling my website’s design plain! I know, I know! 😅
My main job involves building models, reading papers, coding, and tuning parameters. As for web design and backend development, I can barely manage. Maybe someday, if I get the chance, I’ll hire a professional to revamp it.
✉️ Contact Information
If you have any questions or are interested in my work, feel free to reach out!
Here’s my work email: docsaidlab@gmail.com. You can send me an email or leave a comment under any article on this site—I’ll see it.
🍹 Lastly
I’ve poured considerable effort into developing these projects and writing technical notes. It’s not only a process of technical learning but also my way of contributing to the open-source community.
If this website has helped you or you appreciate my efforts, you’re welcome to support me in the following ways:
- Buy Me A Coffee: You can leave a message specifying which author you’re treating, or make a general donation to cover hosting costs. Either way, I deeply appreciate your support!
- Star the projects on GitHub ⭐️
- Offer suggestions or encouragement in the comments under your favorite articles.
Thank you for reading and supporting this site. I hope DOCSAID brings you value and inspiration!
2024 © Z. Yuan